Peter Masson (Scottish) was trained in management and managed several successful establishments in the hospitality industry before co-founding Scenit Group in 2001. Responsible for the daily management, accounts, c.d artwork and design and this web-site. He lives in Switzerland where he runs Alpfactor Sports and Scenit Group.
Summer Manager
Giovanni Beretta (Italian) was trained in the Hospitality industry and with 6 languages managed many operations in Switzerland before co-founding Scenit Group in 2001. He is reponsible for the general direction and management. He lives in Switzerland where he takes a keen interest in the enviroment and animal welfare.
Band Leader (S.G.1)
Musical Director
Philip Holbird (English) qualified as a sports instructor in 2003 in Scotland. He joined Scenit Group later that year as a guitarist / singer and with a natural talent quickly moved into the role as band leader in 2004. He lives in Switzerland, Spain and England where he combines music with his love of winter and summer sports.
Band Leader (S.G 2)
Artist Co-Ordinator
Alex Katsikides (English) obtained a degree in medical bio-chemistry in 2007 and with a background in bands joined Scenit Group later that year. After a year he took over as second band leader and has already played over 200 gigs in Spain, Germany and Switzerland. He is also responsible for the design, programming and upkeep of Scenit Groups myspace site. He is also a sailing instructor as well as keen skier and climber.
Martin Wright (Scottish) spent many years gigging when he could with the band in Greece, Switzerland and England. He now lives in Brighton where he teaches at B.I.M.M, produces and gigs with a number of successful bands. He has been responsible for recording and mixing all Scenit Groups c.d's.
MediaVisual Effects
Alex Hale (English) moved to Switzerland in 2002 where he has set up his own Media company, has contibuted greatly to the operation with his knowledge of computers and video editing. He has produced all Scenit Groups videos and works with the band live producing video effects. He is also a paraglider pillot and keen skier.